Monday, October 06, 2008

Stone Age

Well last week we decided to play a board game instead of playing Cthulhu. We gave one of my board games 'Stone Age' by Rio Grande games a go. It is for 2-4 players and should last around 90 minutes.

We gave it a go and we all liked it. there is nothing better than a game that has meeples to play with. The first turn took us nearly an hour to play through but after that we rattled through them. One of the actions in the game is to 'breed' your meeples by pacing two of them at the 'breeding hut'. Only one person per turn can do this. As you can gather this aspect of the game allowed us many a chance for adolescent humour. Nige visited the hut the most to various comments such as 'What thrice in one night?' and 'You're having an orgy'. Any game which allows us to make such comments is always a good game as far as we are concerned.

Hilarity aside, the game was very fun to play and even John, who originally was not enamoured by the games description really enjoyed it after playing it. I like it as much as I like 'Puerto Rico' although I am not sure yet which one I prefer most - we'll have to play more 'Stone Age' before I can make that decision.

I managed to eventually get Memoir '44 last week - every game shop I visited seemed to be out of stock. It look really good - I love the tanks, and any game with Shermans and Tigers in it must be good as far as I am concerned. I just have to persuade my wife Caroline to give it a go one evening. My son Connor would like to play but I think it is a bit too much for him - he's only 6 - but we will have to wait and see as he gives me a run for my money when we play Carcassonne.

You can see my baordgame collection at