Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Board Games

We have taken to playing board games recently. Neill has been collecting them for quite a few years but we have only played board games sporadically. John and I have both recently been hooked and are going through a phase of buying numerous games, although I have taken to predominately choosing games which have a good 2 player possibility so that my wife and I can play them.

I first played Puerto Rico about six weeks ago and was hooked. It's a fantastic game. It's simple to learn, but challenging to play. I can see why it spent so long on the number one spot of Board Game Geek.

We have also played Metropolys, Ticket to Ride Europe, and Marvel Heroes. Metropolys and Ticket to Ride are both excellent games. Again both these games are quick to learn but provide numerous challenges. Marvel Heroes was fun but not a patch on the others. I have just bought Ticket to Ride and Ticket to Ride Switzerland.

I love Carcassonne, and my 6 year old son Connor and I play it fairly regularly. He is very good at the game and we are about even when it comes to wins. My wife is also a big fan. It is a game we all first got interested in via xbox Live. I am really interested in the 'New World' version and plan to purchase that soon.

Just in case anyone is interested in finding out more about board games then the following sites are of great use:
We plan on playing at least one board game between each different GMs game, and based on the list of games we have between us then we have a lot to choose from. John has just got Agricola and I know I am looking forward to trying that out.

On a roleplaying note I have managed to convince Nige to run Shadowrun so I can't wait.

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